Sunday 20 May 2012


I now have a tumblr account which is as follows:

This is where i will be uploading photos of my recent work and building a collection of others work that i find inspiring and intresting.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

The 100

Check out 'The 100' a photography project by Matthew Knight, the creator of the Disposable Memory Project. In the 100 project a disposable camera is given to someone of each age, years 1 to 100. They use these camera to capture a week of their life.
100 people. 100 different lives.
At the moment there are still some places left for some ages so apply here or let friends/family know - 
See also the Disposable Memory Project:
I am age 22. To see my photos see:

Friday 6 April 2012


From my journeys in 'A Month', I have taken each day and 'retraced' my steps - each day is on a new sheet of fabriano paper. There are 30 of these, and I have hand cut each days journeys and layered them up on top of each other revealing the different thickness's of the roads I'd visited most vs only once. This is not the final piece as I still need to finish them off and work out how to display it but here are some images so far.

#ProjectSpace @ Milsom Place Unit 4

Following the success of their first group show at Bath Spa University’s Dartmouth Avenue Campus, eight contemporary artists are to showcase their work at Milsom Place with an exhibition entitled #ProjectSpace. Running from 17th to 28th April #ProjectSpace seeks to open up a wider conversation on issues not usually seen in contemporary art today.

“We see this as a real opportunity to engage with the public and to show them that contemporary art can take on big issues” says exhibiting artist Sophia Sample.
“Our work ranges in topics from surveillance and the Arab Spring, to pills and parenthood” added Kate Banahan.

With work ranging from photography to painting, sound art to drawing, and video to installation art, this exhibition shows the extensive and diverse range of interests and disciplines explored by these emerging artists.
From Handley-Merricks’ sound piece documenting the nature of prolonged and extensive medical pill taking, to Wilmshursts’ photography which questions the ethics and aesthetics of looking. To the problems of subjective representation – Samples’ paintings that follow the Western World’s reaction to the uprisings in the Middle East, Jones’ drawings that explore the way in which the repeated drawn line can signify three dimensional space and Howards’ video exploring the demands and pressures society places on young working mothers.

Title: ‘#ProjectSpace’
Open to Public: Tues 17th – Sat 28th April
Opening Hours: Weekdays 10am – 5pm, Sun 11am – 4pm
Private View: Fri 27th 6 – 8pm

Participating Artists:
Kate Banahan
Amy Jones
Hannah Wilmshurst
Sophia Sample
Mikayla Howard
Sue Handley-Merrick
Sophie Cowan
Vanessa Bowden

Course: 3rd Year BA Creative Arts

                                         New #ProjectSpace poster designed by Hannah Wilmshurst

A Month

'A Month' - Silkscreen Print 
All the roads in Bath I have been down in one month.
Walked, in a car and in a taxi.

#ProjectSpace Set Up

Participating Artists:
Kate Banahan
Amy Jones
Hannah Wilmshurst
Sophia Sample
Mikayla Howard
Sue Handley-Merrick
Sophie Cowan
Vanessa Bowden

Course: 3rd Year BA Creative Arts

Running from the 19th-21st March 2012.