Tuesday 16 November 2010


                   Wondering through the streets,
                    Wondering through the mind.

Monday 15 November 2010

Finding Beauty In All Things

                                    Beautiful Photos by Eleanor Hardwick

Colorado, June 2009

From Diary 08/09

Home Project
From Diary 08/09

Book Keeping

               Betty Pepper's work which is inspired by stories, memories, things from
                        the past, over-hearings and misgivings. 

                                                        Woman's Hour

                                          The Lepidopterist's Dream

                                           The Road Less Travelled

               I love how the work is displayed and presented the books
                      encasing the beautiful ornate work.

Monday 8 November 2010

a walk

 A well known walk from my old halls, Waterside Court,
leading to uni at Sion Hill.