Tuesday 24 January 2012


For this test piece I was thinking about how long it takes to get somewhere. I thought about a ticking clock and decided to make these circular journeys as after all, the trail of going into town from my house and back again is like a round route. It has a beginning, middle and an end. To further this idea I plan on positioning these journeys into actual clocks, I’ll time the journeys precisely so that as each new road on the clock face is approached, the clock hand will meet it at the time it took for me to get there.


This is a screen print from the drawing I did for - everywhere I've walked in Bath.

Thursday 12 January 2012


An extract from a presentation i did.

 "I would class myself as an artist who creates work out of my life - where I go, what I do, and who I see. I could also be called a collector of data, information that would have been kept within my head, which is then translated into visual work.

My art practice literally explores journeys, time, travel, memory and situations. It’s based on mapping which is a subject I have always been interested in since I started to make trips to new and different locations. From my explorations I have made in the city of Bath since I moved here to study, I have gained knowledge of the area and have created a mind map of the locations visited.

Firstly I would like to point out that there has been a long tradition with people defining the landscape with maps and cartography. Myself, and the artists I will talk about later, explore some of the same themes using different media and processes.

My work is based on ideas, and I mainly use the processes of print and drawing but I’m beginning to branch out and would like to use more 3D elements in my work and the uses of video and sounds. Whilst I’m partaking my daily journeys I find the time to reflect, explore or remember - it’s like a kind of escapism.

Idea wise I like to explore the city and think about it in the terms of a network of people’s lives and transportation, experiences and history. I love thinking about how the mind can store these situations and knowledge and form a memory. How you can always remember a journey that you frequently make to the point that you don’t even really have to think about where you’re going interests me greatly. I like to live by this statement, ‘You have to do the journey, in order to get somewhere’. Which will be true as long as time ticks."

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Monday 9 January 2012

James Bridle: Rorschmap

Yesterday, whilst looking on http://www.itsnicethat.com i came across this map made by James Bridle called 'rorschmap' which you can view at: http://rorschmap.com. Its like a looking through a kaleidoscope of google maps, he says, “Rorschmap is cartographic navel-gazing, a reframing of the map. It will not help you find anything. We are bored with your squares and your margins. We want new shapes and new dimensions….”
I love looking at where i live, seeing the patterns the map creates on the landscape as you zoom in or out. You can also view in street or satellite view. Heres some of Bath.

Zommed out

This certainly is re-creating a map into something different.
Also view: http://shorttermmemoryloss.com/portfolio/about-this-site/ for more works and writings. 

Thursday 5 January 2012

everywhere ive been

Here is a map that shows everywhere that I have walked in Bath since I moved here in late August 2009. I used an A-Z map of Bath to create it. It’s my personal map, and no other map should be the same as hopefully there will always be different roads that people walk down. The black areas that are separate from the centre are made by when I got a lift, hence didn’t experience the surroundings whilst walking, just when I got to the location - such as Bath Uni, or the Holburn Museum. Next I plan on using the laser cutter and experiment with different materials so I can kind of take the ‘routes’ out of their surroundings so just the trace of where I’ve been is revealed. 


My good friend Kim has started up her own blog @

She also has her own website selling clothes/accessories/jewellery

This is the perfect place for dresses, home gifts and pretty vintage inspired necklaces all at amazing prices.

               a personal favourite is this dress:

and this lovely chalk board :)

                  And this is her facebook page:                      http://www.facebook.com/pages/Ever-Ours/140667972695731
