Thursday 12 January 2012


An extract from a presentation i did.

 "I would class myself as an artist who creates work out of my life - where I go, what I do, and who I see. I could also be called a collector of data, information that would have been kept within my head, which is then translated into visual work.

My art practice literally explores journeys, time, travel, memory and situations. It’s based on mapping which is a subject I have always been interested in since I started to make trips to new and different locations. From my explorations I have made in the city of Bath since I moved here to study, I have gained knowledge of the area and have created a mind map of the locations visited.

Firstly I would like to point out that there has been a long tradition with people defining the landscape with maps and cartography. Myself, and the artists I will talk about later, explore some of the same themes using different media and processes.

My work is based on ideas, and I mainly use the processes of print and drawing but I’m beginning to branch out and would like to use more 3D elements in my work and the uses of video and sounds. Whilst I’m partaking my daily journeys I find the time to reflect, explore or remember - it’s like a kind of escapism.

Idea wise I like to explore the city and think about it in the terms of a network of people’s lives and transportation, experiences and history. I love thinking about how the mind can store these situations and knowledge and form a memory. How you can always remember a journey that you frequently make to the point that you don’t even really have to think about where you’re going interests me greatly. I like to live by this statement, ‘You have to do the journey, in order to get somewhere’. Which will be true as long as time ticks."

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