Monday 26 March 2012

My Dissertation Abstract

This is what im working on at the moment and exploring for my dissertation - 

'This study will be looking at the theme of psychogeography, and contemporary artists and writers who are exploring it in their work. The essay will be concentrating on the theories from the 1950’s Situationist International, and looking at how these are used in the twenty first century. Pyschogeography is defined as ‘a mix between geography and psychology and looks at how people explore a city and studies the specific effects that the geographical environment (consciously organised or not), has on the emotions or behaviour of individuals. A psychogeographer is one who explores and reports on psychographical phenomena.’[1] The main point of exploring the Situationist International is to look at their ideas and the, ‘theory of the dérive’. The dérive is about ‘drifting’ in the city revealing how the city and its ambience can detour you into exploring new and different areas. Nowadays there are many artists and writers who are interested in the field of psychogeography. This thesis discusses how the ideas formed in the 1950’s can be used in the present day and how writers, Iian Sinclair and Will Self, and artists such as Esther Polak have used these ideas to influence their own work or exploration of ideas.

[1] International Situationniste #1 (June 1958). Translated by Ken Knabb. Pg.'

The dissertation still needs a lot of work and tweaking before hand in after Easter!! From researching this I have found out about new artists and new inspirations for work.

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